Friday, August 22, 2014

First Week of School

Wow!  The first week of school is already over!  We have been very busy this week learning all the CHAMPS behavior expectations for the classroom, hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, playground, and auditorium.  CHAMPS expectations create clear guidelines for acceptable behaviors in common areas of the school.  Here is an example of CHAMPS for independent reading in the classroom.

This week we also created a mission statement (a class pledge) as a whole 4th grade family (Barton/Ledford family).  Students set their own goals for reading and writing. Then worked together as groups to come up with one goal they could agree on.  All of these goals were then put into the mission statement which will hang in the room all year as a reminder!

Students also got a chance to partner share with some of their writing this week.  They were working on an opinion piece about whether school lunch was healthier or lunch from home was healthier.  Students had a great debate about this issue!

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